Class LWImportedObj


public class LWImportedObj
extends TPolyObject3D

An object (enherited from TPolyObject3D) that can import a simple 3D object of .OBJ format (exported by Lightwave, a 3D drawing program).

Fields inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TPolyObject3D
Fields inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TEntityList3D
depth, index, MaxBuf, MAXOBJECTS, ObjectList, size
Fields inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TEntity3D
color, GlobalCords, ParentGlobalCords, Vissible
Fields inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TCoordSys3D
Xaxis, Yaxis, Zaxis
Fields inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TVector3D
Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor
LWImportedObj(double _x, double _y, double _z, double _xax, double _xay, double _xaz, double _yax, double _yay, double _yaz, double _zax, double _zay, double _zaz, _url, java.awt.Color _color)
LWImportedObj(double _x, double _y, double _z, _url, java.awt.Color _color)
          Simpler constructor.
Methods inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TPolyObject3D
Depth, Draw, insertPolygon, insertQuad, insertTriangle, insertVertex, ScaleVertices, setNoPolygons, setNoVertices
Methods inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TEntityList3D
Append, Clear, InheritGlobalCords, Insert, Remove, Remove, Rotate, Sort, Translate, Translate
Methods inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TEntity3D
Vector3D, Vector3D
Methods inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TCoordSys3D
CoordSys3D, CoordSys3D, CoordSys3D, Global2Local, Global2Local, Global2Local, Local2Global, Local2Global, Local2Global, toString
Methods inherited from class nl.kun.Engine3D.TVector3D
Angle, Double2String, Double2String, Modulus, Modulus, Negate, Negate, Normalize, Normalize, NulVec, StdXaxis, StdYaxis, StdZaxis, String2Double, VAdd, VCrossProduct, VCrossProduct, VDotProduct, Vector3D, VPerpendicular, VPerpendicular, VScalarProduct, VScalarProduct, VScalarProduct, VSubstract, VSubstract
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LWImportedObj(double _x,
                     double _y,
                     double _z,
                     double _xax,
                     double _xay,
                     double _xaz,
                     double _yax,
                     double _yay,
                     double _yaz,
                     double _zax,
                     double _zay,
                     double _zaz,
                     java.awt.Color _color)
_x - the x-value of the origin vector
_y - the y-value of the origin vector
_z - the z-value of the origin vector
_xax - the x-value of the x-axis vector
_xay - the y-value of the x-axis vector
_xaz - the z-value of the x-axis vector
_yax - the x-value of the y-axis vector
_yay - the y-value of the y-axis vector
_yaz - the z-value of the y-axis vector
_zax - the x-value of the z-axis vector
_zay - the y-value of the z-axis vector
_zaz - the z-value of the z-axis vector
_scale - the scale of the object with respect to the object's default size.
_url - the URL where the .OBJ file of this object can be downloaded.
_color - the color of this object.


public LWImportedObj(double _x,
                     double _y,
                     double _z,
                     java.awt.Color _color)
Simpler constructor. Only needs a position and uses (x,y,z,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1) as it's coordinate system.
_x - the x-value of the origin vector
_y - the y-value of the origin vector
_z - the z-value of the origin vector
_scale - the scale of the object with respect to the object's default size.
_url - the URL where the .OBJ file of this object can be downloaded.
_color - the color of this object.


public LWImportedObj()
Empty constructor