Package nl.kun.Engine3D

Interface Summary
TimerCallback use this interface if you want to implement a TickTimer

Class Summary
DataStream Datastream class which contains all data for one stream and is able to draw it to the canvas.
LWImportedObj An object (enherited from TPolyObject3D) that can import a simple 3D object of .OBJ format (exported by Lightwave, a 3D drawing program).
TArc3D This class can be used to draw an arc between 2 3D points, by specifying a radius, center, begin angle and end angle.
TCamera3D A camera object, enherited from TEntity3D so it has it's own coordinate systems.
TCoordSys3D This class defines a coordinate system.
TEntity3D This class defines a 3D entity with 3 coordinate system's, a color and a vissibility flag.
TEntityList3D This class defines a list of 3D entity's, with it's own coordinate systems.
TickTimer This class implements an interval timer.
TLabel3D This object can draw a standard string at a certain 3D position.
TLine2D This class defines a line at z=0.
TLine3D This class defines a line in 3D space.
TOscilloscope Canvas object that implements an oscilloscope.
TOscilloscopeGrid Grid object.
TPendulum A pendulum object.
TPhysCanvas A canvas that can be used to display all items inherited from TEntity3D.
TPhysObject An object that adds physical quantities to TEntityList3D.
TPolyObject3D An object that is specially optimized to contain large amounts of polygons.
TSphere3D This object is inherited from TEntity3D.
TSpiral3D This class is inherited from TEntityList3D and contains in it's objectList a number of TLine3D objects to create a spiral (spring).
TVector3D The TVector3D class is the basic class for all 3D classes and contains all information to define a vector in 3D.
TVertex3D This class defines a 3D vertex.
Viewport This class can be used to draw on a canvas using physical coordinates, while the viewport translates these to screen coordinates.