The following is a list of the most useful UNIX commands. Details can be found using the UNIX "man" command.

cd newdir
cd ../
ls -l
cat filename
more filename
tail filename
tail -n filename
mv old new
cp old new
rm old
rm -i old
mkdir newdir
quota -v
ps -a

grep text *.f90
grep text
gives your current directory
changes directory to subdirectory newdir
changes to your home directory
moves up one directory level
gives the current date and time
lists files in current directory
same but detailed info about each file
prints out the contents of text file "filename"
same but a page at a time, space for next page, q to quit
prints the last five lines of a file
prints the last n lines of a file, space for next page, q to quit
renames file from "old" to "new"
makes a copy of "old" and calls it "new"
deletes the file called "old"
deletes the file called "old" after asking prompt for confirmation
makes a new subdirectory called "newdir"
tells how much disk space you are allowed.
tells how much disk space you are using
shows all the processes you are running
UNIX pipe, takes output of preceding command and feeds it to the following command e.g. ls | more
finds all occurrences of text in all files ending by f90
finds all occurrences of text in the piped input e.g. ps -a | grep matlab